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The map page shows a map of the Puget Sound with markers for the dive sites in our database. You can select a marker to view more information on that site. You can also filter dive sites or use our Recommender feature to find the perfect dive.

Map Page

The Map page.

Just like with any Google map, you can navigate by dragging with your mouse (or finger on mobile). To zoom in, scroll in (or pinch on mobile).

Dive map popup

The popup when you click on a pin.

Once the info window pops up, click on the dive site name to go to its report page.


The recommender is here to help suggest dives for you. It incorporates your time and location, as well as your profile information, to suggest the perfect dive.


The recommender tool on the map page.

To use the recommender, simply enter your location and departure time into the search box. Then click "Recommend for Me!" to be shown a list of relevant dives (and their locations on the map).